Use "popularisation|popularisations" in a sentence

1. Sumner is widely credited in advancing UK dance music, and the popularisation and technological advancement of sequencers.

2. We found no evidence that the popularisation of laparoscopic appendicectomy has contributed to the decline of Appendicectomies performed by SHOs in our hospital

3. TREE LONDON THEAstigmic lens or cross-cylinder was first described by Stokes in 1849, but its popularisation and practical application to the methods of subjective testing of ametropia, is due to the insight of that" G.O.M." of American Ophthalmology, Dr

4. Religious Studies) on 'Myth in an Antimythical environment: the case of Buddhism', is one of the very best: sober, original, well-argued and technically almost faultless.7 In contrast to Pike's unpretentious popularisation of classical myths, Clasquin's popularising of the 'skilful' approach to myth in the long history of Buddhism brilliantly